Happy National Nurses Month: Making a Difference
Happy National Nurses Month!
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“Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backwards.” – Florence Nightingale
Nurses Week is May 6-May 12
Every year Nurses Week is celebrated starting on May 6 and ending on May 12 (to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s birth on May 12, 1820.)
Nurses Month starts Monday, May 1. In 2020, the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife was recognized, and Nurses “Week” (still celebrated May 6-12) was extended to the entire month of May — and it stuck!
In tribute to nurses everywhere, major nursing organizations and institutions that employ nurses are preparing celebrations for the month of May. Here are the official days celebrating nurses in the month of May:
National Nurses Month: May
National Nurses Day May 6
National Student Nurses Day May 8
National School Nurse Day (the Wednesday within May 6-12)
International Nurses Day May 12
Certified Nurses Day May 19
For more information about the history of Nurses Week and how Nurses Week is celebrated in the U.S. and all over the world, and on the origination of the International Year of the Nurse, see the posts: Celebrate National Nurses Week! and 2020: International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
Nurses Make a Difference!
The Nurses Month theme, “’Nurses Make A Difference,’ was selected “to honor the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives. Nurses make a difference as trusted advocates who ensure individuals, families, and communities receive quality patient care and services” (ANA Nurses Week 2024 FAQ).
Most nursing organizations will all celebrate their nurse members during Nurses Month. For example, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) is profiling nursing excellence in its Portraits of Excellence video. The American Nurses Association (ANA) – a professional nursing organization for ALL nurses – has many activities scheduled. Let me share with you what the ANA is doing to celebrate and recognize Nursing Excellence.
American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Celebratory Events
Each year, in May, the American Nurses Association (ANA) offers free resources available weekly for ALL nurses and nursing students to recognize your service and vital role in healthcare. These are FREE events that you may be interested in to recognize the nursing profession during Nurses Month and are courtesy of the ANA. You do not have to be a member of ANA to participate.
Consider joining Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™, a program designed to help
you improve your health in six areas: physical activity, nutrition, rest, quality
of life, safety, and mental health. Take the HealthyNurse Survey assessment to
see where you are, access inspiring blogs, and join monthly 10-day challenges
focused on supporting micro-behavior change towards your goals. Follow this
link to learn more.
This year (ANA) is illuminating the spirit of nursing excellence by lighting up landmarks across the country in honor of National Nurses Week. Our “#NursesLightUpTheSky” campaign is designed to rally citizens across the country in support of nurses.
Snap a photo with a participating building in your city and post it on social media with the hashtag #NursesLightUpTheSky to show your support!
See all participating buildings.
In addition, ANA has a vacation package Travel Sweepstakes you can enter.
![]() Virtual Lecture Mary Eliza Mahoney Lecture Join ANA for a continuation of the Mary Eliza Mahoney lecture series, Activism and Advocacy: Building on the Legacy of Mary Eliza Mahoney, on May 7, 6-7:15 p.m. ET. Drawing inspiration from Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first African American to graduate from a nursing program in the U.S., our speakers will explore how nurses can continue Mary Eliza Mahoney’s legacy through active engagement in health policy, community outreach, and leadership. Participants will gain valuable insights into the strategies and challenges of modern nursing advocacy, learn from the experiences of leading voices in the field, and discover how to apply these lessons to effect change in their communities. To recognize nurses of color, I found this information on the ANA website about the Nurses You Should Know Project. “The Nurses You Should Know project unites nurses, history, and technology to elevate the stories of nurses of color. Started by nurses, this collaborative campaign raises awareness of the contributions of nurses of color in the nursing profession and health care at large. Read more about these inspirational nurses.” |
Recognize the Nurse (or Nursing Student) in Your Life!
If you are interested in recognizing the nurse or nursing student in your life with a small token of appreciation, you could Google “national nurses week gifts” for traditional gift ideas and many sites will pop up. ANA has a Gift Shop with nurses month gifts. And, of course, Amazon has just about everything – gifts for nurses week – included.
You can also give a gift membership to my site. Go to my Membership Plan page for information about the premium resources I offer.
Thank you all for entering nursing! I hope your institutions, family, and friends continue to support and recognize your commitment and dedication to your patients and their families, your nursing and healthcare colleagues, and to this vital profession!
How to Cite this Blog Post (in 7th ed. APA)*: Thompson, C. J. (2024, May 6). Happy national nurses month: Making a difference! Nursing Education Expert. https://nursingeducationexpert.com/national-nurses-month-making-a-difference
References (7th ed. APA)*
*Hanging indent doesn’t work on my blog posts, so just know that you need to use a hanging indent for your reference page citations when using APA format.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2020). About year of the nurse. https://anayearofthenurse.org/about-year-of-the-nurse
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2023). About nurses month. https://nursesmonth.org/about-nurses-month/
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2024). National nurses week 2024 FAQ. https://www.nursingworld.org/ana-enterprise/nurses-week/#toolkit
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Year of the nurse and the midwife 2020. https://www.who.int/news-room/campaigns/year-of-the-nurse-and-the-midwife-2020
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