My Account

Hi ,

Below you will find all of your account information! You can update your profile information, change your password, view payment histories, and manage your subscription via the links under this paragraph. See below for explanations of the options to manage your subscription.

Hi , Below you will find all of your account information! You can update your profile information, change your password, view payment histories, and manage your subscription via the links under this paragraph. See below for explanations of the options to manage your subscription. If you have any questions, feel


Oops! To gain access to free or premium content, you’ll need to be a registered Member!

If you are already logged in (that is, if you see LOGOUT at the top of the page on the Menu bar), then you do not have access to this content. But you can upgrade your membership by going to My Account are clicking on Change Plan!

If the menu item reads LOGIN, that means you still need to log in. Please login by clicking the Menu item LOGIN at the top of the page or using the LOGIN form in the sidebar.

Please click here to start your FREE registration process if you don't have an account yet.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Managing your Subscription: Click on the Subscriptions link.


Change Plan will trigger the ‘Change Plan Pop-Up’ where you can easily upgrade or downgrade your subscription.

Cancel – this option is conditional on you having an active, automatically recurring subscription (i.e., monthly subscription). Clicking ‘cancel’ will cancel any future billings for the recurring subscription.

One-time payment type subscriptions (i.e., annual subscriptions) will NOT have a cancel option because there is no future billing to avoid. (You’ve already paid for the whole year.) Annual subscriptions will NOT automatically renew, though near the end of your term you may be invited to renew at your original rate.

Important note: canceling does NOT equal an inactive subscription. You will continue to have access to the premium resources until the last day of your current paid term. The subscription will only become inactive once all future billings have ended or been canceled AND the last transaction associated with the subscription has expired.

Subscribe/Renew – these links can be used if you would like to repurchase a past membership. If your subscription is expired and you do not have any other memberships active, it will say Subscribe. If your subscription is not expired, you can manually renew by clicking on the Renew link.