Tag Archives: time management

How to Outsmart Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law is the notion that “work is elastic” – that the relationship between the work to be done and the amount of time it will take to do it is related to the amount of time one is given to complete the work (Parkinson, 1955).   In other words,

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

Everyone’s searching for the ideal: Work-Life Balance. Like you, I have a million things going on — too many it seems at times. But with too many balls in the air – overwhelm can get the best of me. My energy gets sapped and I have to work extra hard to

7 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Work and Stop Procrastinating!

  Procrastination. Do you ever have trouble staying focused on your work? Maybe you have a school paper or committee report due or need time to research a topic, or even, need time to clean the house! Raise your hand if you ever pulled an “all-nighter” to get your work